One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rome day three

I will just give you the facts straight up and say that Italians cannot drive, will not drive in the lines on the road, refuse to draw lines on the road and would rather crush you if it meant going faster -old lady, dog, cute girl, or wounded soldier, all would perish to the wheels of a taxi driver with a place to go-. It was in one of these specific taxis that I found myself as I was hurdled down the roman streets to the song of Disney's 'Robin Hood' being whistled merrily by my taxi driver. I wondered often how such good humour could come from a man who at one minute was hitting a perfect B flat and then screeching to a stop in front of a red light that he did not want to stop in front and was probably imagining how to cross without killing us all.
To my great relief we arrived at the Vatican in one piece and were relieved to see that the reservation line was not the one that extended around and across the streets that surround the Vatican's walls.
I may have to tell you that nothing in any museum in Rome is aloud to be taking in photo, this was frustrating to find out but rules are rules. The Vatican was very impressive and had a vast array of interesting artefacts.
After the Vatican we went to the Saint Peters Basilica or Church or whatsoever we saw.
The church was as magnificent as it was immense and I recognized many scenes from 'Angels and Demons' if anyone has seen that movie, the front of the church (or area where Christ hangs) is where Ewan McGregor kills himself.
I'd like to add, for I am no less impressed than Caeser must have been when they found pure gold statues in Egypt (oh yeah, they were impressed), that I climbed 551 steps to get to the top of the Coupole of that Church and had an amazing view over the whole of Rome to then go all the way down the steps to see the church.
Yes there was an elevator, and yes it cost 2 euros more for entry plus elevator. Did I go for cheaper or for sport? I'm going to say both, my lungs can't speak anymore anyways so their opinion matters very little.

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