Just to inform, I had only ever been to Venice in Italy, none of the other cities or anywhere else near it since we took a plane straight to Venice. Consequently I had never seen the rest of Italy. I have two things to tell you: Italy's landscapes are beautiful and Italy is dirty.
These might sound like contradictions in terms but I can safely say that Venice is nothing like the rest of Italy. Florence, where I am now, could easily be a city in France (except for the center where you find the museums and all) but my problem is with the ancient buildings... They are not kept up to order, at all!
Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and breathtaking but in Nîmes where I live they keep everything in tip top shape (everything being the Arenas and the Maison Carré) and clean it at least every other year.
Oh well... On to the landscapes. Italy is a stream of hills and forests. I have never seen so much forest before and I can say that I could get used to views like that. It kind of makes me sad when I take the train through France to know that all the fields there used to be one big forest...
The first hotel was rather normal and at the seaside - with no intentions to make you gasp in disagreement I do not like the sea and never have, being a redhead makes me erupt into the flames that my hair is made of every time the sun touches my skin* -
*Note: this is an exaggeration.
The second hotel that I am in now is beautiful! I took a few pictures the day we arrived.
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