One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good times and things you ought to know

Had a lovely time with Jess out on the town today. We had to kill time before our movie started and after spending a couple hours and a few bucks lallygagging around the shops we decided to head off to the bar.
First an enormous pint of beer at the restaurant, a slightly ridiculously watery Mojito at the Hideout pub and then we decided to make our way to the Frog pub. In a previous post I talked about the amazingness of these pubs, English speaking pubs spread out across Paris, it's safe to safe that the Frog and Rosbeef (as opposed to the Frog and Princess) is just as good and even more English. We had a good time and I indulged in a little Mojito Royale.

I discovered this drink not long ago and it is fabulous! It's like a mix of my two all time favorite drinks! A normal Mojito, except you replace the soda with champagne! Awesomeness? I think so!

After the drinks galore we made our way back to the cinema and saw the avant-premiere of "The King's Speech".

.... An AMAZING movie!!!

The King's Speech is one of the best films about royalty I have ever seen. Sometimes royal movies get a bit dull and you start to fade off for a moment as they chat around about silly royal stuff that shouldn't be so complicated but it is. There isn't any of that in this film. It is filled with such real moments and so much emotion (you can't expect less from a great actor like Colin Firth) that you can't help but feel for the characters and pour your heart into believing in the King.
The movie tells the story of King George the 6th. We follow him through the trials of becoming king and the trials of the new war coming along, all of this accentuated by the fact that he has a stutter. Although he is expected to be the pillar of strength that holds up the country he cannot express himself in a way that inspires this in people's hearts. That is where Lionel comes in. A touching story about friendship and the strength of will of one of the great kings of England.

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