One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Write on Wednesday: 10

The Write On Wednesday Rules: Get creative with the writing exercises - there isn't a right or wrong. Please do try to visit the other members of Write On Wednesdays and leave a comment of support and constructive criticism. 

Write On Wednesdays Exercise 24 - This week is  a Choose Your Own Adventure week. Look to your left...In my sidebar you will find a list of the WoW writing exercises. Pick a prompt that takes your fancy and  make it work for you. Maybe you will work on your NaNo story or another writing project or perhaps just a bit of creative exploration. You might even like to share your favorite book genre with us and then use the prompt to work on a similar theme.

Since I'm working on my novel that I have been working on for 2 years now I don't think I'm going to work on a NaNo story though at some other time and when I'm not at a strenuous school I would love to join in something like that. I picked one of the prompts from before I joined the WoW project.
I want to send a shout of encouragement to the people participating in the NaNo project however and I hope something great will come out of such a dedicated idea. Good Luck to all!

Write On Wednesdays Exercise 4: Two Fat Ladies (88!):  I am sticking with the timed theme. It is much easier to find a spare 5 minutes than a big chunk of time to write.  Grab the 8th book from your bookshelf. Open it to page 8. Scroll down to the 8th sentence. Write this sentence at the top of your page. Set your timer for 5 minutes and write the first words that come into your head after your writing prompt.  Stop when the buzzer rings! Do this exercise over and over if you wish. It will be interesting to see where all our different prompts take us

I'm writing the two sentences on the 8th line because they're pretty short and I feel that they go hand-in-hand. My favorite book genres are Science-Fiction and Fantasy but you may have guessed this already from all my other WoW works and the books that I recommend. I also exclusively write in those two genres, books are my escape to whatever is missing and those two are the ultimate escape. So for the purpose of showing off both of my loves I'll meld them together for you.

They were safe. They were being cared for. The little animals weren't mine to raise, Frey had made that clear enough. I knew this but I didn't want to admit that they would be in better hands with the scientists. The thought that they would be tested on, or worse, left my heart feeling hollow. Frey knew something about the labs that I didn't but he just wanted to get rid of them and didn't really care what would happen. They must have been feeling so alone. I had giving them away while they were sleeping. They were so adorably when they slept. Frey had once said that that was the only time they were manageable. It's true that it was hard to keep them tame.
I rose to wash my hands. The cool burst of air blew my hands clean, the scars there would never disappeared no matter what I did to them. The mirror in front of me would show the scars on my cheeks and hair that I was missing too. That was what had made Frey do this. The accident hadn't been anyone's fault. Besides hats had always looked good on me.
I looked over to their bed. The four of them had always loved to cuddle with me in my bed but whenever Frey was over I made sure that they didn't crawl in with us.
The tears were running down my face before I even felt the sting of their warmth reach my eyes. I wanted them back. I had been the one to raise them from eggs to the fledglings they were now. They were mine to care for and I was the only mother they knew.
I had to get them back.
There was a slam at the door and I swiveled round ready to run to the holding cell. I was halfway across the room when the door slammed open and I braced myself for the Spine Spiders to test me but I didn't feel any lights or hear the skitter of their feet. I opened my eyes and they were there. Standing in the doorway. The tears poured down my cheeks without restraint as I opened my arms to them.
The four little dragons paraded into the room their claws scratching their way across the new carpet Frey had bought.
I'd never really liked it anyways.


  1. That was so adorable! I loved the descriptions, and the little surprise at the end! Fantasy writing is the best when it can seem real, and you pulled that off. It was so plausible, so real, that now I really, really want some pet dragon babies! The last two sentences were my favorite part. Great writing!

  2. Love the fact that she has never really liked the carpet anyways :) Great character building.

    I'd quite like a dragon or two myself!

  3. Yes, great detail...You slowly unraveled your story, in just the way I wrote of in this week's WoW post. You obviously have a knack for fantasy writing, it's very imaginative but it also feels real and believable. I liked this piece!

  4. Thank you so much all three of you, that really means a lot to me :)

  5. Ooh I'm intrigued by the spine spiders. They sound creepy!

  6. I love the details you have in your story. The emotion behind her true feelings are intense. I also love the last line -- great way to end a piece. :)

  7. I still have chills down my spine from reading about the spine spiders (is this why they are called that?!) Great piece, naaw poor little baby dragons-I hope they don't get used for testing :(

  8. I'm not in to fantasy, so found it a bit hard to get in to, but I loved the twist at the end and the description of not liking the carpet anyway :)

  9. Sign me up for a pet dragon, Sarah!

    I loved this piece. You blended sci-fi and fantasy really well; I'm curious as to what the Spine Spiders do exactly. I had assumed the pets were little dogs until you mentioned eggs, at which point I began to wonder what they could possibly be; I never thought of dragons. I wonder whether she'll ever be able to forgive herself for having agreed to give them away...

    I loved the bit about hats always having looked good on her. That was pure hilarity without breaking the continuity of the story. Excellent narrative skill, especially since you made it so this can stand by itself effortlessly! =)

    / Rain

  10. Thanks so much you guys. I really wouldn't mind a dragon myself either ^^

  11. This is wonderful - I was totally drawn in, and found myself imagining what kind of animals they were. I thought she had lion cubs, and I enjoyed the surprise at the end!

    One little thing - I got thrown by 'the accident wasn't anyone's fault' as that's what accident means by default, except [generally] when we refer to vehicle accidents. Something like 'the incident wasn't anyone's fault' might rule out that confusion? :)

    Well done on an intriguing story that already hints at a great plot. The narrator's realistic emotion is what stood out for me [and is what makes great sci-fi/fantasy!]. This emotion reminds me of a movie called Roar [1981]. I recommend seeing it. :)

  12. I will definitely watch it! :)
    I actually did the accident/fault thing on purpose as an reflection of the protagonist's mind. Since she's the one that got hurt she needs to refer to it as an accident and using the repetition of the meaning of accident it's kind of like she's trying to convince herself.
    If it throws the readers off though then I could be convinced to change it.
