One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Versatile Blogger

I've been honored by Rain at Iridescent Rain  with the the Versatile Blogger award and I can't thank you enough Rain! I think this big guy (note: I'm talking about the award) is making a tour of the lovelies that get posted on the Writing on Wednesday prompt at Ink Paper Pen, which I can't agree with more. Such a great group with great energy! I get inspired just by reading one or two so imagine a dozen!
The award rules go like this: I must thank the person who nominated me, let my fellow bloggers know seven things about me, and pass the award on to fifteen newly discovered bloggers and let them know.

Alright so seven things about me.... I'm pretty sure I've said mostly everything about myself on this blog but I'll try to find things I haven't:

I/ All in all I own just about 23 animals. 3 dogs, 2 cats, 6 fish (I believe), 7 birds, 5 horses. Man that sounds like a lot when I write it down. I would go through a list of all their breeds but I think we'll all fall asleep on that one.

II/ When I have a nightmare I have to check that nasty peephole every time I walk by it because the nightmare won't go away for at least a week.

III/ I was once robbed while still in the house, they smashed into the house and started screaming at my mother, my brother and me for money and such things. This happened on Halloween night so to this day I'm still not OK with falling asleep on Halloween.

IV/ I'm an absolute Trekkie. Or just about anything space-like on TV. Star Trek (every single series), Stargate (same comment about the series), Firefly (Joss Whedon could never be wrong about anything), Babylon 5 (unbelievably well structured story with great actors) and so on and so forth.

V/ Food is my way of life. I think of countries by the food I can eat there. Since I've been in Canada, I have constantly been switching between the Space channel and the Food Network (with a little bit of Disney on the side).

VI/ Hmmmmmm.... This is getting difficult. Babies and children love me (which can be a curse) because I am essentially still a child and unlike most 'grown-ups' I will play all their games with them and make up ridiculous stories with funny accents for the characters.
Note: this may lead to parents abandoning their children with you to get some peace and quiet and then you getting no work done whatsoever or
The child never leaving you alone and following you with big round eyes asking to play, same conclusion.

VII/ When I reread my own work (the book I am finishing up) I tend to get lost in my own story and start reading it instead of trying to find things to be fixed. And I absolutely love that.
Loving your own work is one of the most important things about writing, if you love it nothing else matters.

Recommend fifteen blogs! My gosh! Maybe I should add to my above list that I tend to be a very boring, stick with what I know person, it's sometimes perceived as loyalty but I tend to lean more towards simpleness. I don't think I'll reach fifteen but I'll try.

Am I allowed to pick the same person as rain did before me? Ah well I'll do it anyway because this person deserves repetitive honors.
1) Gill and InkPaperPen. Her Write on Wednesday prompts are simply fantastic and I can't stress enough how much I enjoy having people to share writing with and writing to enjoy whenever I sit down for some comfortable alone time.
2) Sheri Bomb this gal is just great. Her blog is like a blast from the past in her Rockabilly style while still staying rooted in the present. A girl with heart and loads of it.
3) Sarah Mac over at People Don't Eat Enough Fudge (I should probably caps lock all of that but Caps locks make me feel like I'm screaming, don't blame me alright Miss Mac?), who recently added a great post about accepting who you are. I can tell you one thing, she has nothing to worry about.
4) Kimberlee at Scraps & Sass who breezes through prompts from many different blogs effortlessly and, need I even say it, successfully.
5) I realize I'm doing a full circle by nominating this darling but I really do love her blog and I don't think she'll have to do a repeat of her seven things and another 15 blogs, if she does I release her of that duty for repetitions sake.
Lillie McFerrin at Lillie McFerrin Writes I was mostly reading her WoW prompts but have recently figured out she has prompts of her own. You never cease to amaze.
6) This blog is great but I'm pretty sure they have moved, the link is in their last post though.
The Pleasant Sunday Afternoon Association by the Watson Sisters.

I'm so sorry I don't have any other ones. In my defense I've been settling in and starting school and haven't had enough time to properly enjoy all the WoW and search around the blog.
Sorry again lovely writers that I still need to discover!


  1. Thank you for your kind words, Tessa :) I love reading your blog, and really enjoyed learning some new things about you! Animals are awesome to have; I don't have as many as you, but I'd be lost with out my doggies!!!

  2. TV, the honour was mine in nominating you. You totally deserve the award.

    How can you live with so many animals? I love animals (well, not birds, but most animals), but I'm pretty sure I couldn't live with more than two dogs and maybe a few fish!

    I envy you more than you can imagine for being able to get lost in your own work so easily. I wish I wrote well enough to be able to say the same thing...

    / Rain

  3. I wouldn't put down your work Rain. The trick is to really appreciate the one or two things about a piece that you center on. I have just about five parts in my book that are really my favorite and I focus on those and build around what it is that I liked there.

    Haha, the horses are at stables half an hour away and the birds are in an aviary with the fish (in a pond inside the aviary) so it's not like they're all in the house.
