One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What I've come to believe

When I'm very stressed out. I start to behave in strange and unidentifiable ways. I do things I wouldn't normally do and laugh at very strange things as well as stay awake late into the night thinking about life and how stars shine and why my dog won't stop crushing toes with his bony butt.
Being very stressed out and weird I typed stress into Google and I laughed so hard when I found this image.

This is exactly what I am like, there is no better description! And I love it!
My source of stress is of course applications, internships, life approaching quickly, my lack of a life as I am doing finals, my lack of a life because I'm slightly lazy and burning myself three times when I was cooking yesterday which wasn't so much stressful as it was unnerving.

This is a probably a better description of me.

But I'm not so stressed about the work I have but of the work I want to have.

Do you unravel with stress?

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