One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Friday, September 30, 2011


I have come to an important realization. Well I guess I could say I have known it for a while but never really let myself think about it seriously.
As you may know from reading this blog I do an awful lot of traveling and moving around from place to place. This probably seems doubly so since I spent the last year of my Bachelor's degree in a different school than the first two years (hence shortening it by one year-- score!).
The first two years were spent in America and the last in Paris. I know there are many, many, many Americans that idolize Paris and believe it is the city of love and all that Jazz. But I can easily tell you that Paris is one of my least favorite cities in the world. I can't even listen to the song 'I love Paris' because it gets me so irratated I have to sing hate over all the loves. Yes-- it's that bad!
I am being harsh though, Paris has fantastic things to visit, but so does almost every other capital.
But I'm diverging from the point.

What I realized was that, in no other place that I have lived alone (went to boarding school in high school as well) have I ever felt at home like in my home with my parents. Except in America.
Yup, there it is, I've only ever had one home away from home and it was in the lovely city of San Francisco. A city I would love to go back to. A city that I can really say I love and loved living in.
In my life of moving and removing the only constant was ever my family so to have somewhere feel like home without them is... there are no words.

Well, after all that, I think it's normal to say that I am moving back to the North American continent. However I wont be setting up camp in America this time. No, I am very excited that in about four days time, I am moving to Vancouver.
Wow four days, I just realized that as well.

Better go pack.

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