One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday's recommendation

Because it's over and done I just needed to recommend these after I saw the last movie a few days ago. I apologize to anyone who thinks the opposite but I really think the books are a lot better (and I practically always think this when a book is translated into a movie) and I feel that if you saw the movies and didn't read the books, you really should give it a try. Especially considering that the end of the movie is completely different and a lot slower than the end of the books.

The Harry Potter Series
by J.K. Rowling

If you are in the dark about this widely popular story, let me fill you in.
Harry Potter is a young orphan who lives with his aunt, uncle and cousin who are all three horrible to him. His days are spent in a cupboard under the stairs where they lock him up when he's done anything to displease them. Apart from a rather parculiar attribute of his, a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his forehead, he is a normal boy. This is until his eleventh birthday, and strange things start happening to him, snakes talk, things vanish and suddenly letters come to the house in his name. His family goes to any length to get him from opening the letters until finally he gets his hands on one.
Harry Potter finally understand everything that has happened. He is a wizard and he has just recieved his letter of acceptance to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This is where his adventure begins and he will finally discover the secrets to his past, his heritage and the special scar that marks his face.

A fair warning, this is a children's book but after the fourth book it starts getting more and more violent and less cute and magical. Most kids (like me) grew up with these books, eagerly awaiting their letters for Hogwarts at 11 (as I did, most disappointing year of my life) and then eagerly awaiting all the other books. I grew up reading them, as so many did, and hence wasn't too shocked by the endings as I am now quite a bit older. So if kids read these a warning that the last three are rough stuff. 
Other than that I urge you to read them, even if the movies have been seen, to get all those details and good moments in class and around the school that they just didn't have time for in the books.

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