One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh dear

My dear blog readers.... I must apologize, sincerely, for being absent here and there. Amongst the troubles of puppy care, moving all my stuff to Paris and being sick for two weeks now with what seems like a never-ending cold, I have been neglecting my writing. 
On the positive side I have reached 21 pages in my second book and finished editing my first. However my select readers who need to give me opinions and criticism also have quite a lot on their minds (or are lazy) so the reading has been to a minimum. Temptation strikes to just send my book to the publishers with only my edit added to the overall but I must resist!
So again I apologize. 

Don't you love the first days of school? Those days where you don't really do anything but you enjoy the fact that you aren't. The moments you get lost in the hallways and don't have any of the proper books and your teacher says they already don't like you.

Friday I had that, going out with your new classmates, moment. It was fun and they were great. The only problem is that me and my friend Jess are transferring to third year and all of them were first years. The reason we were out with first years was, of course, because we had to attend orientation to know where everything was (having never gone to this school before). Albeit we both had a great time and the first years, at least, are a great crowd. You'd think that we would feel bad because they are in a lower year but almost every single one of them is older than me (and Jess considering Jess is younger than me). Funny how everyone decides on art school after they've done something else. Ah well... I guess me and Jess are proof that there are some people who choose art the moment they run dancing and singing out of the high school hallways and make out with their high school sweetheart at the end of year fair.

What do you mean you didn't do that?! Impossible, all high school ends that way!

So to sum things up, my teachers look nice and have impressive backgrounds, my school is a maze that I still don't understand even after having been given an extensive tour, my friend Jess and me have decided to go to Disneyland before the first day of class because we need that boost of happiness and all in all the people at my school seem to know they are living near Disneyland and therefore are nice.


  1. Lack of tiredness has driven me to look at the beginning of your blog and I was wondering what school you went to in Paris? I am interested in studying film in some way there!

  2. I in no way recommend the school I went to in Paris. Unfortunately it was very bad.
    The schools that are the best in Paris are the actual grande ecoles like Lumiere and La FĂ©mis.

    (I went to EICAR. Don't go there.)

  3. oh no? why was it bad?

  4. The teachers weren't good, they were pretty biased. But even with the few good ones they brought in for workshops (which were actually OK), the schedule is not well designed and they don't have any kind of different courses for people with different majors.

    It just was a very unprofessional school.

  5. You can find good aspects to everywhere you go of course. I mean you meet others like yourself there and the final projects are fun if you're in a good team.

  6. Thank you for your advice! :) much appreciated
