One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Write on Wednesday: 18

The Write on Wednesday Spark:  Possessing Beauty
Write about a collection. Write about something you or ,someone you know, collects. Think about the "why" behind the collection - why is it important to collect this particular thing? How does it make the person feel to add another piece to their collection? Is the group of objects there to be seen, to be studied or simply kept together? Write a real life story or a piece of fiction. Wherever the prompt takes you...Keep your post on the short side: up to 500 words OR a 5 minute stream of consciousness exercise. Link your finished piece to the list and begin popping by the other links. Oh, and enjoy!

This is about my Mom. It's pretty obvious why she collects her teddy bears.

They all sat there in waiting. Some had been sitting for a long time. Others had just joined the rest. And although the wait was never the long the anticipation had them all staring at the door non-stop, too afraid to waste the chance of a glimpse on a moment of inatention. 
Her smile was what always captured them. What made them feel treasured whenever she would walk among them. And they couldn't help but feel a flutter in their fluffy hearts when she remembered their names to others. Because she always remembered.  That's why they could wait and why they would always wait. 

She couldn't help herself when she saw that one, perfect one, looking staight up at her from the display table. No matter where, a shop or an event. When that exceptional one looked up at her, with its eyes that shone like the beads they were made from. She couldn't help but buy it and bring it straight home with her. She loved all of them, without exception.

All I can do is smile when I see her face light up.
The glass boxes were filled with the faces of dozens of teddy bears, from the smallest thumb sized cub, to the enormours grizzly that sits on a chair outside of the cases. 
There is never any dust on the display cases, and the hinges always give way without a single moan of protest.  


  1. Adorable story! Makes me want to go and "dig" out my stuffed animals from my childhood. Lovely writing!
