One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Dark Side

"You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit."
-The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde

 found this on google

Isn't this such an accurate description of the social phenomena of the bad boy, the anti-hero or the hero with a troubled past.

There are so many people out there who get themselves into the biggest problems to live up to the fame of someone they believed to be great. There are people who fall in love with the dark side of people's personalities and pay the price for that darkness later.

I am in no way accusing these people because I am one of them. There is an appeal to certain characters or people that have a dark side, something wild and untamed, but I like to read about these people not connect to them in real life. Mostly because the only difference I have with old Wilde's quote is that I don't lack courage to commit sins, I just don't want to do them. Though I am interested in the thought process of those who would commit these infractions I never once have been tempted to do them or suffer the consequences.

I pride myself in that a bit but sometimes I wonder if this lack of wayward thinking could limit my writing abilities, especially since I have troubled characters in my stories.

...I'll just have to be an excellent observer to compensate.

Do you ever wonder about these things?

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