One day I want to become a writer, and artist, an editor. I have traveled so much with my parents and my brothers that they are my closest friends and sometimes I wonder if I can actually say I come from any certain country. I love food so much that I think of countries according to the dishes they serve. And also, I am sharing my life with you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The idea of Love

You know what! I'm tired of all this dancing around! I think that we put way too much importance and power in the words 'I love you'. I might just be ranting but I am going to rant! Because I can!
You never know what the difference is between a woman who knows what she wants or a slut. Really. Sometimes I understand someones point of view and sometimes I don't understand it at all. But that doesn't mean they don't have good reasons for what they do! Yes! I am going to use many exclamation points!
I think that we should be able to JUST like someone, a lot or not, and therefore have a few dates and a few laughs and yeah! Everything is branded today with meanings and bad looks from old women, as if it nothing ever happened in their time. As a matter of fact I know a few vixens that might still be cougars, or dragons or whatever you call it. I personally find that quite admirable.
But any way! The reason I am ranting is that I don't like turning around things! Around the idea that I have to wait for something perfect in this universe when deep down I am... frustratingly lonely! I may not even post this comment but hell with it! You might as well get it all out in the open. If you can't admit something to yourself then what's the point of feeling what you do?
I am not saying that I am a slut or that you should be a slut. I have only ever had one boyfriend and RS found himself a girl a day after we broke up. Yes! I am wounded! But not really because I haven't cared for him like that in a while!
Anyway... I have been reading True Blood books and I find she gets way too many hot guys than allowed. Sigh...

PS: Don't think I'm crazy

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The situations we find ourselves in

I find it almost poetic when you are sitting across from your ex-boyfriend, who is sitting with his new girlfriend, discussing the future. I couldn't erase the huge grin from my face as I sat in front of RS and his new girl, and when he asked about my future I swear I made a noise between a giggle and a snort that had them both staring at me like I was nuts. Fortunately however I have a good plan set in place so I didn't sound like a complete idiot.
Funny that I really liked the new girl though, I found myself wondering if they would last and that it would be really good for my ex if they did. They're a lot more similar than we were so maybe. Let's cross our fingers for their happiness!
...And hope I get someone someday!!!

A fun time

Nothing like a bike ride in the crushing sun of the South of France. Maybe the seat was breaking my tail bone, maybe the sun was burning my skin and maybe, just maybe, it was not such a great idea when the wind is blowing so hard it pushes my bike wheels to the side.
But damn, I do love a good ride through the vineyards and the sun flowers that have come to their last days of summer. Most of them have already been harvested. There is something impressive about a field full of beautiful sunflowers, all of their heads pointing up towards the sky. It also kind of reminds me of Where's Waldo when you find the one or two that are pointing at something else. The rebels I guess.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Wants and Needs

Have you ever watched Tex Avery? These old cartoons, you know the one with the wolf that whistles at the lady. I love those cartoons. I especially love the episodes 'the House of tomorrow', 'the Car of tomorrow' and all the tomorrows. Do you ever think about your home of tomorrow?
I always thought that my house, when I had a house that is, would kind of look like a mix between an anthropologie house and an adventurers house. I kind of collect stuff from all over the world so that part is down but what I think I really need in that house of tomorrow. What I will have for sure. Is...
A quilt.
I just need a quilt. Kind of like the style of the Anthropologie, Yoruba Quilt.


Don't you love spending, just one moment, in peace? I have many friends that speed from moment to moment, always doing something, living from whatever they are doing to then experience a next thing. I love experiences but I think you need to take a day. Or even just a few moments out of a day. To relax. To sit. To think. To enjoy.
Finding my house a bit crowded, a bit loud, and having an apartment alone for two years and a stereo happy father can do this to people. I took a few moments outside. Feeling the soft heat of the sun and the rush of the wind. Quite a bit of wind today. I decided to lie on the trampoline, it sways like a boat in strong winds and its soothing to lie there, soak up everything around you. I like looking at the olive trees in my garden. Contemplate about everything when I think about how old they are, some one hundred years old, and then looking at my palm tree that caught a 'butterfly sickness'. Someone at some point thought a butterfly was pretty and brought it to the South of France. Now the new species of butterfly gives a sickness to our palm trees. Makes you think what you can really do without thinking about it. My palm tree was given a spray against the disease but its gone through too much to get over the disease, with a harsh winter and my dogs incessant digging. The palm tree was much younger than the olive trees.
Strange that I feel so sad about a tree when some things don't bother me at all. When you sit there in the sun you think about a lot. All the insects that buzz by or crawl around.
There is a kind of red bug, like a ladybug but more insect-like (less attractive to people) that we used to call a 'gendarme' when we were young. I still don't know the real name of that bug. And Gendarme is what you call a village cop, the ones that are aloud to carry guns. I like the bugs better personally, great conversationalists. They like crawling around your hands and leading you to secret hideouts. Or at least they did when I was young. We've had a falling out since every time I sweep the driveway and the birds cage they get caught in my broom sweeps. We still talk, but its less affectionate as before.
Do you ever lie in the sun? Do your thoughts get as far-fetched as mine?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I was just playing my piano and as I finished the song I heard a strange clicking sound behind me. I turn to see my husky, Eldur. Legs twitching, ears flapping and mouth moving slightly open and closed making the strange clicking sound. No doubt he was eating whatever he was after in his dream.
I love watching dogs.
Eldur with my boxer, Athos

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

By the Beach

Yesterday evening we went to enjoy a session of mini golf at the beach. The full moon shone bright through the sparse clouds that littered the beautiful night sky and the car's light reflected the shape of a bat in the passing tall grass. Every separate patch of tall grass made the luminous bat beat its large wings.
I can say with certainty that the mini golf was unlike any other I had seen and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was like playing mini golf on interesting little courses in the middle of one of those decoration Japanese/south of France gardens that you see on the cover of your garden architecture magazine. The sunset on the sea that the mini golf overlooked added to the beauty of it all, and also the impressive light display the mini golf had set up.
I can safely say I am definitely going back there!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Slightly saddenned by the oppressing fact that I might not be good at anything. I think that when you get pretty down on yourself you should make a list of things that you think you can do well, or at least that you can do pretty OK.
So here is my list, I am good at:

Wiping down the kitchen counter so that it is spotless
Making friends with animals and babies
Running into inanimate objects and apologizing to them
Folding clothes
Wasting time
Getting work done
Making up stories
and doing chores

Sigh... for some reason I don't feel better...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Simple thoughts

I am an extreme fan of musicals. Anything that is musical, you are sure I will have watched it or want to watch it. As I was taking down the washing whilst whistling a merry tune from 'The Sound of Music' and as I sang 'Do a dear' I started skipping along with my washing basket. I suppose this was to mimic the actions of those delightfully happy characters... The thing is... When you skip with a basket full of clothes, you don't think about the clothes or even the pins that lay resting in that poor little basket.

Have you ever thought of the characters in musicals? It takes them the space of one song, let's say three minutes, to visit a whole city. And the whole time they are running. Running and sprinting, through fields and streets and famous cites that never look as good as in the movies.
And then when they run after their lovers for five seconds they're puffing and wheezing, their eyes full of tears, their love apparently draining their superhuman fitness. But that's what we want. We want them to be everything that is amazing except when you look really close and you see those little faults, those things that you feel only you noticed. It makes you feel special or that you are in on something with the characters.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dedicated to any other generation than ours

In honor of the past and I believe in hope for the future, I am taking out my ink, my quill and my wax to write letters (real letters) to all of my friends. Or at least all the friends that count.
I don't think I am much of an artist by the ways of calligraphy but I will write with my heart. Plus I think the awesomeness of a great wax seal will drive people's attentions away from my poor handwriting.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


My cat, Figaro*, was extremely happy that we had finally come home yesterday that she took it upon herself to find a way to be on me or near me so that I could pet her constantly. From jumping on my lap during dinner and staying there until I thought the leftover food on my plate might rot, to sleeping on me for about 5 episodes of 'That 70's Show' she successfully managed to spend most of the day under my constant care. I must say I cater to her needs with great happiness because usually she is not the most affectionate cat.
I find however that the cherry to top it all off was her domination of the right side of my bed. The entire evening, from bed time to wake up time, she did not budge one centimeter from her balled up area right next to my face. Perhaps I encouraged this by giving her a quick stroke here and there when I went to sleep and when the garbage men took about seven tries before they managed to lift whatever they were trying to lift. A large block of granite I suspect.
All in all, happy to be home and my back hurts a little bit from having to sleep cramped on one side of the bed (single bed).

*Note: Yes she is named after the cat in Pinocchio. The simple reason being that I was watching Pinocchio when my mom came in and dropped a stray cat on my lap about nine years ago.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The past

Do you ever think of how it was before? My Mom often tells me that she is shocked at how, these days, when she leaves her portable phone at home she gets worried. When she was young she didn't have a phone and that never impeded on any of her projects. It's funny to think how close the past really is for us. Not long before my parents there was no TV, how would you pass time? Our parents didn't have internet, where would you research things? When you left the country and couldn't call because the prices were too high you would send letters. People almost never write letters anymore. When we look at old books -my Dad collects ancient books- the ones that are handwritten that is, you see how much time they took for every single line of writing. Nowadays people shy away from anything that takes too much time. People can't sit through a whole movie without stopping it to go do something else or checking their phone to see if something else is happening.
Personally I think this is the worst possible thing that could happen to us. If you can't, for example, write a page of calligraphy and concentrate on every letter to write it perfectly and never stop once, how can you enjoy things to their full extent. I am persuaded that there are some people, because of the pace of today, that can't enjoy a second of their lives.
Imagine going back in time to about... two hundred years ago. There was no TV, there were no Movies, there was no internet, there was no school even to see your friends at (or at least not for the girls). How would you spend your day? The only means of contacting people was by letters and it took weeks to get an answer or even to visit anyone.
So how would you spend your day? What would you do? When the only books there are are the literary classics that nowadays we find so abhorring in their dullness.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

About my confessions

ARGH! I'm such a LOSER!


Do you ever feel like everyone is against you? I know this is silly and probably many girls of my age think this. I can't help but feel silly when I say it, but that doesn't push away the fact that how I feel is how I feel. I never really liked people that judge how someone acts as immature or something like that because in the end, even if you know better, your still going to feel what you feel.
My family, ever since I've come back from America (I went to study there), has had this crazy idea that I have matured in some crazy way. Like two years away will change my personality. You know what I think maturing is, it's the capability to control or suppress things you've always felt and will always feel. I have friends that tell me I'm mature or people who think I'm older but all I've learnt is that the less you say the better other people feel. Maybe this sounds bad, or judgmental of others, but that's the only way it seems to work. To not step on people's toes. Even though I still get those irrational moments where you would like to take all the pens from your bag and draw all over someone's face or table or wall. Mind you I would never do that because I hate doing something to someone that I wouldn't like having done to me. But this way of thinking conflicts with irrational feelings just as much as anything else and you find yourself irritated with yourself so much that you'll throw it on others.
I think I'm babbling. But I like to think that it's a good thing that you still get irrational feelings and crazy impulses, because if you a were a completely rational 'mature' person wouldn't it be boring?
I'll share an irrationality of mine, two things that I hate above anything else that even with all the control in the world I can't shake off:

I hate walking in a street full of people and no one seems to move a muscle to let you pass, I wonder sometimes if everyone in the world just slams into each other since I am apparently the only one that will hop around and crush myself against a wall to avoid every person alive.

And Secondly I loath it when people ignore me. I have three very loud brother's and an even louder father, I love them to death but sometimes I wish I could seal their mouths shut. When people ignore me I feel like I might as well not exist or they should tell me up front that they don't care what I say whenever I say it... I know irrational right? I wouldn't say this to them or anyone but I guess I can say it to you. If anyone feels the same it feels better to know that they do doesn't it?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Movies movies movies

As you might have figured out from my introduction... of myself. Is that I want -and I will add that I am studying to become- an editor. An editor for movies that is. Therefore it is part of my job (good excuse no?) to watch as many movies as possible.
Today, well just now, I watched Kick-Ass. I don't care what people say about superhero movies I am an extreme fan of anything that remotely has the word super pronounced in it. No, I am not joking.

Kick-Ass is not a superhero movie. But it is absolutely as awesome as a real one. For all intents and purposes Kick-Ass himself is in fact a superhero but the other characters are more like revenge character in a crazy action movie that has everyone wearing costumes for identity purposes. The way it is done though makes that alright (sometimes revenge movies border on complete horror gore which I loath). This movie plays on a kind of black humor that plays off of comic book like fight and blood scenes.
All in all, although I am not one for that much violence in films, I really liked this film. Whoever enjoys a good fight and a good superhero movie should go watch this film. NOW!

Cough Cough Cough Hello

Sickness, I do not love you. I only got to sleep at 3 in the morning because I couldn't stop coughing. Sigh...
Apart from that. Here I am in Switzerland. It is raining. Which wouldn't bother me if not for this cold and its disagreement with the sudden switch from warm to cool.
But on the other hand, being in Switzerland, in the rain, passing time slowly, has allowed for one amazing occurrence.
I have FINISHED my book!!! WHOOOOO!!! Yes yes yes!
OK I have already finished writing a book once before, but I had no intention of publishing it. I DO have the intention of publishing this one. Hehehe.
OK number two, I know I'm getting really excited ahead of time since I still need to go over the whole thing and rewrite it but... Who cares?! Whoever said that it wasn't OK to bask in one moment of pure joy for whatever reason it was inspired was an idiot. A depressed idiot I must say.

Friday, August 13, 2010

My impressions of Rome

Alright let's get this out there. My list of what you will find in Italy:

Adventure (get crushed or crush someone in your taxi) - check
Action (battle daily with the sun and the other tourists for a place in the shade) - check
Romance (get hit on by old Italian men) - check
Mystery (never understand much of what is going on) - check
History - a big fat check
Religion (I love little nuns) - check 
I don't know if the last one is of great importance for a good vacation but all in all... A good time!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Italy, Rome, Day Six

Yes, the final day has come of my stay in Rome. I can't say that I am not relieved slightly since dying of this cold was not on my agenda for the month or year or any time soon.
Spent a wonderful day sleeping for the greater part of the morning and skipping one single day of visiting. And then of course my parents chanced upon an awesome Leonardo Da Vinci interactive museum. Argh! After days of not being aloud to touch anything! An interactive museum where you can crank all the levers and see what they do! Why??? Why am I lazy? Well sick but still! No excuse!
I therefore resumed my walking around the city... while being sick and yes, we didn't find what we were looking for and everything was closed where went. I could have seen that coming considering my laziness and the seventy mosquito bites I've received in one day. I'm sorry universe. (But I don't regret it hehehehe)
Although brething was a difficult activity during our walk around Rome I did hear some lovely things and see some lovely things.
We walked in on a camera crew shooting an Italian soap opera -or at least I hope it was- where a wedding was taking place and the bride after something terrible happened starting ripping plants out of the ground.
While walking up a small road lined with trees I sat on a bench to recuperate and listening to the soft crunching of the leaves as a couple of pigeons trotted past me.
We returned to the restaurant where I had eaten something bad, I ordered something good and enjoyed every bite since I hadn't eaten since breakfast.
Oh, and my Mom bought me a bag with a bulldog on it.
Hehehehehehe Happy!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Rome- Day Five

Ok. I am extremely sick. And I am very sorry to say that this happens often when I go on vacation. My headache has developed into a cold/headache/dripping nose/fever. Unfortunate but I tried not to let it affect me as I ventured forth into the scalding heat of Rome.
Why do they make vacations in summer? It's so hot. They should be in Winter so you can visit the places people want to see like Rome or Egypt. But people want to see those because they're sunny right? Like the tropics. Ugh. I hate sun. Wait, I know why they have vacations in summer! Because your brain melts and school is already pretty tough on some people that with the extra adage of no brain it might become impossible. Alright I'll stop. I just don't like heat. One more time, I don't LIKE HEAT!!!!
Ok, it's out of my system.
So! Venturing forth through the... heat.... of Rome. Heat that was so intense I might add that we crossed paths with a bus driver that was sleeping in his luggage compartment (of the bus not his... what would his even be? His pocket?). We visited Caracala, which is no where near anything else so we marched through the... heat... to the 'non-catholic' (or non-christian I don't remember) graveyard where Keats was buried. His gravestone doesn't have his name on it. He considered his importance so brief and inconsequential that he asked that his grave have written on it, 'His name was writ in water'. His friend Severn, in whose arms Keats died, was buried next to him and his gravestone tells us of his neighboring grave and its occupant.
I find that... very touching and very sad. I feel like, in that time especially, it must have been something really hard, or strange, to decide. But then again, we know his name, and his friend was of uncommon loyalty.
Wouldn't you wish to have a friend like that?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day four in Rome

Alright let's hear it for the fourth day in the scalding heat that is Rome!
Today, as fate should have it, we visited many a fountain, many a place of water and all of them standing in the deathly heat of the sun. I now find myself with a headache that could shame the Thinker and sores on my feet that could be worse but just add on to my headache. Sigh...
On the positive side, we visited Keats's house which was very interesting and was basically a library in whatever room you entered. We went into the Pantheon which is the only free thing in Rome and is beautiful as well (considering that it ressembles some other buildings that are a few hundred years younger).
All in all, lots of beauty, lots of sun, tempting water that you weren't allowed to touch and the forecoming of a terrible pain in my head (I feel as if i'm cross-eyed as I type this post).
So except for being almost vampiric in my loathing for the sun, it was a good day.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Rome day three

I will just give you the facts straight up and say that Italians cannot drive, will not drive in the lines on the road, refuse to draw lines on the road and would rather crush you if it meant going faster -old lady, dog, cute girl, or wounded soldier, all would perish to the wheels of a taxi driver with a place to go-. It was in one of these specific taxis that I found myself as I was hurdled down the roman streets to the song of Disney's 'Robin Hood' being whistled merrily by my taxi driver. I wondered often how such good humour could come from a man who at one minute was hitting a perfect B flat and then screeching to a stop in front of a red light that he did not want to stop in front and was probably imagining how to cross without killing us all.
To my great relief we arrived at the Vatican in one piece and were relieved to see that the reservation line was not the one that extended around and across the streets that surround the Vatican's walls.
I may have to tell you that nothing in any museum in Rome is aloud to be taking in photo, this was frustrating to find out but rules are rules. The Vatican was very impressive and had a vast array of interesting artefacts.
After the Vatican we went to the Saint Peters Basilica or Church or whatsoever we saw.
The church was as magnificent as it was immense and I recognized many scenes from 'Angels and Demons' if anyone has seen that movie, the front of the church (or area where Christ hangs) is where Ewan McGregor kills himself.
I'd like to add, for I am no less impressed than Caeser must have been when they found pure gold statues in Egypt (oh yeah, they were impressed), that I climbed 551 steps to get to the top of the Coupole of that Church and had an amazing view over the whole of Rome to then go all the way down the steps to see the church.
Yes there was an elevator, and yes it cost 2 euros more for entry plus elevator. Did I go for cheaper or for sport? I'm going to say both, my lungs can't speak anymore anyways so their opinion matters very little.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day two in Rome

Alright, Keats house was not open today. Hohum. Was looking forward to my brother seeing it (not that I've seen it) but he really likes it so was looking forward to the good mood he would be in after seeing it. Keats is a frequent subject for him and I do love to see someone's reaction to the real deal of their idols.
So instead of that we saw the Colossium, the Forum, the Casa de Augustus and various important... I want to say poles... Obelixes! Or however that is written.
The Colossium is a must for you out there who really enjoy Rome or Roman movies. If you have a good imagination the others are equally interesting, especially if you have a father who is a history buff and can tell you who was murdered and the spot he was murdered in (as you stand on it).
So far so good in Roma.

However had an aweful dinner in a restaurant we just strolled into and am fearing some bad after effects. I will make it up to my stomach tomorrow with a large ice cream or some such delicious -and refreshing- treats.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Florence and my first impressions of Rome

To give you my first impression of Florence would be to take only the bad sides of a city and describe what good you can find in that. Unfortunately my first day in Florence was littered with on and off rain, which later developed into a full downpour, and parking in a parking lot that was in the... Less beautiful part of the city. Normally I like to see the regular and touristic side of a city but as I said before, Italy is very much like France in its larger sized cities.
I do have to mention the second day in Florence. A parking lot that gave out on a beautiful street and a stimulating day walking through a more romantic side of Florence. I will not try to sound like those people who say both sides had their charms because one did not at all as the other had stolen it. But I do want to say that to take one away... Well no it would be nice if the city was only the nice side but what can I say! You have to take the good with the bad!

Upon entering Roma, we found ourselves driving through street after street of grafitti covered buildings. Yes, you heard me correctly. The entrance to Rome was not a great one but what we saw afterwards... OK it was only a park but I still really enjoyed it. We also went to the Villa Borghese (or the Galleria Borghese) which had some very inspiring paintings by Bernini. We were not allowed to bring cameras inside but I can give you a picture that I found on the net of one sculpture that was rather impressive.

Tomorrow we will venture to Keats grave and discover the Spanish Steps in the meantime... I will keep you up to date on any other excitments that come my way.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I am reserving a post for this one big announcement.
I have reached page 130 of my book!!!!

ps: perhaps I should add that it is the book I am writing and not reading.


Hello again! I finally got some internet in one of my hotels as I drive through Italy so I thought I'd give you a check up of my progress.
Just to inform, I had only ever been to Venice in Italy, none of the other cities or anywhere else near it since we took a plane straight to Venice. Consequently I had never seen the rest of Italy. I have two things to tell you: Italy's landscapes are beautiful and Italy is dirty.
These might sound like contradictions in terms but I can safely say that Venice is nothing like the rest of Italy. Florence, where I am now, could easily be a city in France (except for the center where you find the museums and all) but my problem is with the ancient buildings... They are not kept up to order, at all!
Don't get me wrong they are beautiful and breathtaking but in Nîmes where I live they keep everything in tip top shape (everything being the Arenas and the Maison Carré) and clean it at least every other year.
Oh well... On to the landscapes. Italy is a stream of hills and forests. I have never seen so much forest before and I can say that I could get used to views like that. It kind of makes me sad when I take the train through France to know that all the fields there used to be one big forest...
The first hotel was rather normal and at the seaside - with no intentions to make you gasp in disagreement I do not like the sea and never have, being a redhead makes me erupt into the flames that my hair is made of every time the sun touches my skin* -
*Note: this is an exaggeration.
The second hotel that I am in now is beautiful! I took a few pictures the day we arrived.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Waiting for something good to happen today would be like waiting for it to rain on Mars! Internet keeps jumping and can't send the right documents to my apartment because they keep cutting off on the sides and are apparently not acceptable like that. The car is fixed but in the meantime realized I don't have enough of a certain product to go on vacation with and the shop is already closed. Can't seem to find anything in my bathroom and think someone is thieving but don't know who would do that or why.

Don't you hate thieves? If there are thieves out there, think about what you are doing?! The people from who you steal will miss those things terribly even something as inconsequential as lipstick, which I have had stolen today - which I was keeping for my trip to Italy all giddy and excited about the process of using it - now my heart is shattered in a thousand pieces of regret and possible ugly face for two weeks. GRAAAAH! All thieves should be put in jail for life! (Unless they are stealing food to live, then that's OK but only a little bit!)
... I am still shocked though at how someone could steal. Wouldn't you feel horrible? Wouldn't you regret it? Wouldn't you want to give it back every time you look at it? Wouldn't you think of someone like me who is simply crushed at the prospect?
Btw it's not only a lipstick but a necklace and a bracelet, both from my mother and both were christmas gifts.
I could easily cry right now... But I have to finish all my work and iron some clothes...
Good luck to anyone having the same kind of day as me!

Vacation Mayhem

If you have ever gone on any kind of vacation then you will know what I am talking about. We are having a day before dilemma... There are papers that we just can't seem to get off the internet to send to the apartment people for my place in Paris, there is an impossible amount of places to go including the post office for papers I need to send to my school, and to top it off we are going on a road trip and there seems to be a giant nail in our tire.
Let's see if the day gets better!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Title change

Sigh... I feel like I'm starting many posts like this but... I must do what I must. SIGH.
The reason for this of course is my new title. I was bored yesterday evening and took it upon myself to make an interesting title for you all.... Alas my printer was not of the same mind as me and decided to mess with me by creating smudges all over the drawing. I have managed to get rid of the most of them or at least decrease them to a less horrendous size... Soon I will buy a better printer who will scan without smudges! And finally my life will be complete!